National Senior Health & Fitness Day

Feel free to take a look at all of the great ideas we have here that you can incorporate for your Senior Day event this year. When you’re ready for more event suggestions, download our PDF featuring additional activity ideas for your Senior Day events!

Planning any virtual events this year? Here is a list of virtual event ideas and resources.

1. If this is your first time hosting an event, be sure to start early gathering appropriate resources for handouts and displays. You can contact local chapters of health organizations for free copies of health information brochures and materials to distribute. Try local chapters of the American Heart Association, the Arthritis Foundation, the American Cancer Society, and the American Diabetes Association.


2. If you have any activity or exercise classes set for Wednesday, May 31st invite local older adults to visit your class as part of your National Senior Health & Fitness Day celebration. Contact local senior centers and related organizations to send invitations. (Make sure to obtain any necessary waiver forms from outside participants.)


3. Invite a nutritionist from a local business or hospital to do a presentation on healthy eating, food preparation, and dietary guidelines. Be sure to let them know that your audience is going to be older adults. Ask if they can also include a few healthy recipe handouts for participants.


4. Arrange to have your governor or mayor (or both) issue a special proclamation declaring Wednesday, May 31st, as National Senior Health & Fitness Day. You can tell these prominent, elected officials the events are always held the last day in May during Older Americans Month. This year, more than 100,000 older adults will take part in widely varied local events at 1,000 locations around the country, all on the same days. Direct them to for additional details.


5. May is also Older Americans Month. Share some information on the history of how this observance got started, and/or utilize some of the resources they will be sharing in the coming months. Visit the site at: and check back for updates.


6. Schedule a “mini-health” fair by asking several local health-related businesses and organizations to make tabletop presentations during your National Senior Health & Fitness Day events. Local organizations and businesses to contact include medical groups, vision care centers, hearing centers, and others.


7. Work with a local dentist to set up a presentation about taking care of your oral health.


8. Ask a podiatrist to come give a talk, or host a webinar. Have them focus in on the needs of older adults, featuring things such as how to choose shoes for exercise, and the importance of non-slip soles in fall prevention.


9. Invite a local pharmacist to host a “brown bag” session during National Senior Health & Fitness Day. Your local pharmacist can speak about potential risks when taking certain prescription and over-the-counter medicines and vitamins/supplements. Also, see if the pharmacist can schedule private time with seniors at your event to review their medicines and any medication questions they should discuss with their physicians.


10. Invite a tai chi teacher to come and demonstrate some simple exercises for seniors and explain more about this unique martial art, or they can also share some moves during a Zoom session.


11. Try out some trivia questions as a way to engage the brain! Keep questions related to health and fitness topics for maximum benefit.


12. Play bingo! Gather a group of bingo-lovers for a twist on this beloved game. Use health terms, or forms of exercise to play instead of numbers. Prepare cards ahead of time and don’t be afraid to be imaginative! Select some healthy prizes for winners, such as pieces of fresh fruit.


13. Schedule a fun dance class for active seniors and see if a local teacher will volunteer the time to teach it. Zumba is especially popular! Folk dance can also be fun — see if there is a group that meets in your town and ask if they would come by to show you some moves. These can also be done through Zoom.


14. Try out some mini golf. All you need is a few clubs, golf balls, and some cups to play. Practice putting, or set up some stations outdoors if it’s a nice day. Putting can also be done at home with a cup on the floor to serve as the “hole”.


15. Teach some strength training exercises that participants can do at home. This doesn’t have to be expensive! You can show a variety of options, such as using soup cans, a Thera-Band®, or light hand weights. Make up a handout to share that features step-by-step instructions for the exercises you teach and pass it out to participants afterward. We have some great online options in our Virtual Event section!


16. Designate a room for relaxation. Keep it off the beaten path and play soothing, meditative music so participants can take a time out and unwind. You can also lead them through a guided meditation over the phone, or on Zoom.


17. Share some information about healthy sleep habits. Get solid information from Harvard Health, or try The National Sleep Foundation for ideas.


18. Make art! Set aside a space for seniors to try their hand at simple crafts, drawing, or painting. See if an art instructor from a local school or studio would be willing to lead them in a project or two, or recruit a senior or staff member with art experience to share their talents. Works well as a Zoom session too — just keep the materials needed simple!


19. See if a local conservatory might be willing to send a staff member over to do a container gardening presentation, or host an online session for participants. Fresh herbs make a healthy choice for the main event in the spring months, and they are easy to care for.


20. Play a game of Simon Says! Round up the youngsters and the seniors alike for a rousing game of follow the leader in this traditional game. This is a great way to include some intergenerational activity during the day, and it can be done in a small group setting or online.


21. See if a local yoga practitioner might be willing to lead a sample “mini-class” for participants doing some simple, basic exercises and breathing techniques either in person, or on Zoom.


22. Try out a “photo booth” like they have at weddings! Not only will this provide a fun break for participants, it will give you a great opportunity to get some photos you can use for your social media channels. Hashtag them with #NSHFD and post away.

Click here to see what other sites did for their recent Senior Day events.

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Important Note:
The information and materials on this Web site are protected by copyright and federal trademark law and may only be used by organizations that have registered for the 2023 National Senior Health & Fitness Day®. Organizations or individuals that have not registered for the event and use any of the logos, the event name, and/or any materials on this website, are subject to legal action.

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