your life and health by participating in Mature Fitness Awards USA, the
nation's first recognition program for older adult fitness achievements.
The Mature
Fitness Awards USA are designed to encourage and recognize regular physical
activity among adults age 50, 60, 70, and over. The program offers 25
activities with something for everyone, from beginning exercisers to long-time
fitness enthusiasts. Many activities are appropriate (or can be adapted)
for disabled participants. When selecting an activity, find one that you
enjoy and that fits into your daily or weekly routine so you will be likely
to stick with it.
Individually, with Friends, or in a Class
Some activities require minimal equipment and can be carried out individually.
Others are offered through park and recreation departments, YMCAs and
YWCAs, health clubs, senior centers, and retirement communities. Classes
may be combined with independent activities to meet your award requirements.
If you are not in a scheduled class, having a partner or group share your
activity can be fun and help keep you motivated. Recruit a friend or two
to join you, or look for a mall walkers club or similar group in your
Your Mature Fitness Award
Keep track of your progress by recording the details in the log
provided on this site. All activities are
designed to be done regularly for 16 weeks. Notice that moderate activities
will be done more frequently or for longer time periods than more vigorous
activities. At the end of 16 weeks, you will have earned two rewards:
the Mature Fitness Award to display proudly,
and more importantly, improved health through increased physical activity.
Once you have earned one award, you're ready to get to work on another!
of Fitness
Experts have identified a few basic components of fitness. Among them
- Cardiorespiratory endurance (sustained ability of lungs, heart,
and blood
vessels to carry oxygen to your body's cells and the muscles' ability
to use
the oxygen) addressed by aerobic exercise
- Muscular fitness (strength and endurance)
- Flexibility (movement of your joints through their full range of
motion freely and comfortably)
Benefits for You
Mature Fitness Awards activity addresses
one or more fitness components. If you improve in just one or two of these
areas, that is a significant benefit to your health and well-being! You
may also gain a better sense of balance, improved agility, a positive
change in your body composition, and reduced discomfort from arthritic
joints or back problems.
All of the
advantages of physical activity are important to good health and quality
of life.
Tips to Remember
- Before starting any new activity, check
with your physician to be sure it is suitable for you. Ask your doctor
for help in determining your target heart rate, which is important for
you to know during aerobic exercise.
- With any new activity, start out slowly
and build up to the ideal workout for you.
- Exercise in a safe location and use the proper safety equipment for
your activity, whether this means a life
jacket, knee and elbow protectors, a helmet, or well-fitting walking