The Last Saturday in September
Saturday, September 26, 2015


Event Details

Registration Form

News Release


Sponsorship Opportunities

More Information

About the HIRC



Congratulations! You and your organization qualify for the free online event registration for our 18th annual Family Health & Fitness Day USA® on Saturday, September 27, 2014, a $30 value compliments of ACP, Inc., one of our national event sponsors!

Please complete all of the information on the form below and check the box indicating that you agree to our event terms. Once you complete this form and send it to us, we will e-mail you the link to the special event website—where you will have access to all event-related materials—logos, certificates, free family health handouts, event ideas and publicity and much more!

Any questions about your free 2014 Family Health & Fitness Day USA event registration? E-mail us at, or call 1-800-828-8225, weekdays 9-5 Central time (we are in the Chicago area).

Please note that you must complete all of the information below in order to receive your free 2014 Family Health & Fitness Day USA online event materials:

Family Day Free Registration Form



Approximately how many people do you expect to attend your event?
Less than 50

(Optional) Please add any comments here

By checking the box below, my organization and I agree to the following in exchange for receiving the free 2014 Family Health & Fitness Day USA online event registration:

1. The Family Health & Fitness Day USA® name and logo are federally protected trademarks and can only be used by your organization for one local event. Multiple-locations must register separately and may not be eligible for the free event registration. The Family Health & Fitness Day® event name and logo may not be used by any other organization or company—only the organization you have listed above on your registration form.

2. The Family Health & Fitness Day USA name and logo may only be used for event promotional items such as—T-shirts, pens, etc.—if you receive permission in advance from us. You must e-mail a photo or pdf file to showing the promotional item, and we will quickly e-mail back permission if approved.

3. You and your organization agree that your local event will be non-competitive in nature and emphasize family health issues. You and your organization further agree that the Health Information Resource Center, organizer of Family Health & Fitness Day USA, and the national and regional event sponsors are to be held harmless for any claims, liabilities, injuries, disabilities and/or illness which may result from individual participation in your local event.

4. Your free event registration, a $30 value underwritten by ACP, Inc. one of our National Sponsors, applies only to the 2013 Family Health & Fitness Day USA on Saturday, September 27, 2014, and not for any Family Health & Fitness Day USA events in future years.

5. You also agree to send us copies of any videos, photos, and/or news articles about your local event, and these may be used for promotional purposes to show other organizations what happened across the country during the 2014 on Family Health & Fitness Day USA. You further agree to complete a survey about your event that we will use to help plan next year’s program.

6. You also agree to distribute at your event any materials, samples or other information we send you from our national or state/local event sponsors. We will notify you in advance if we are sending any materials, and you will distribute or hand these out at your event as long as they do not conflict with any of your organization's policies.

Yes, I have read and agree to the event terms above for the free 2014 online event registration. Please register my organization to host a 2014 Family Health & Fitness Day Event

Thank you for completing this free Family Health & Fitness Day registration form. Once we receive this, we will quickly e-mail you access to the special event website with all of the event logos, resources and information you will need for this year’s event!


Event Details | Registration Form | News Release | National Sponsors | Sponsorship Opportunities | More Information | About the HIRC